Happy Nuggets, A taste of home…

As avid reads may know, westernization is big right now in Qatar. And just as in about EVERY grocery store in the world…there are knock off foods, such as cheap chicken nuggets. Put those two together and what do you get? You guessed it! Americana Quality’s Happy Nuggets!

And for those of you who don’t read English (sorry team, were trying to diverisfy here at WiQN!)

These fantastic chicken nuggets come in all of your favorite processed chicken shapes! Now with: Boats, Hearts, Stars & Cars!

You may be wondering… “Zane how did you get these pictures taken while in the grocery store?”. Well the answer is, I didn’t… I bought them, and… I ate them.

I know, I know appetizing right? Well dip them in a bit of the “Tomato Ketchup” you see featured on the plate, and you can really experience that fresh star taste!

Brent says they all tasted the same, but I was quite partial to the boats.

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02 2010

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  1. 1

    I love the food around here. I think I want to go to the grocery store one day not just to shop, but to take pictures of all the crazy stuff.

    I have a video of my “Scrumpdelicious” mac’n'cheese I got… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-cAFI6RuSE

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